Fyvie Murray

Fyvie was our guest in May. She started her journey in duvets, stating that she would take up quilting when she retired. Her daughter bought her class though with the statement that she needed to learn how to quilt before she retired.

Her first few quilts were all hand done. Her first machine sewed quilt was a new age Baltimore which allowed her to explore when it’s best to hand stitch. She continued hand quilting however and was able to complete a quilt in three months.

Her Baltimore series was an accidental series and so was her current improvisation series. She decided to just play and let the fabrics tell her what to do

We also had our AGM with a robust discussion about our future. Please keep an eye out for the minutes and some future discussion points.

We have four Mortuary Quilts to give to Wellington Hospital. We are hoping for at least four more so if you have some that you’re working on please let us know at the next meeting

We also had a great show and tell with some gorgeous quilts


Origami Christmas Tree Class


Marilyn’s Quilt stories